Begitu banyak orang tua dan murid telah mempercayakan masa depan mereka kepada Exito Course, simak kata mereka:

Mr. Paulus has been a really great help for my Physics A-Levels. He clears up any misconceptions I have and never fail to go in-depth when explaining a topic. Every class I had with him is useful and most definitely worth it. Thank you Mr. Paulus and Exito Course!

During the pandemic, Exito Course really helped to develop and improve my grades and understanding in Maths and Bahasa Indo. I used to be lazy when revising for my subjects, but their online lessons helped me become more organized and structured too. The lessons are very effective and efficient, and I would recommend their courses to anyone.

Before I joined Exito Course, physics A level was really hard for me. Back then, my grade was less than 75. After I joined Exito Course home tutoring, I was able to improve my physics score. This lesson has helped me to understand the subject perfectly and do my assignments faster than before.

Comprehensive is an understatement when i have to study a tough curriculum in the midst of this pandemic, catching up with my lessons whilst adjusting to the new study system. I’m glad that I found Exito Course to not only catch up on my lessons and improve my grades but prepare for university as well. Their teaching methods are clear and they make things easier to understand which are reasons as to why I am fond to this organization 👍

Exito Course helped me recognise various faults in my working that caused me to be less efficient in solving problems. As a result, this provided me with a better grasp of concepts and new perspectives on how to approach different questions, which are much needed to succeed in my examinations and future in university. During meetings, difficult concepts were explained clearly with patience, which allowed me to steadily maximise my answers with minimum time. Thank you Mr. William and Mr. Paulus!

Through Exito, i am greatly helped with my subject preparations for my transfer to the UK. This is because Exito acquainted me with teachers whose expertise are exceptional in their fields. I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to study with Exito.

Ms Ratna & Mr Paulus helped me a lot in understanding mathematics and physics IGCSE material. Each class I had with them was really great and I always discovered new things.

Before knowing Exito, studying certain subjects such as physics was hard. Through the course with Mr. Paulus, I managed to learn and understand 6 months’ worth of physics materials thoroughly. The way of his teaching was very creative, and interactive, and made me a proactive person.

Sebelum aku masuk Exito bener bener blank banget ttg subject” yang aku bakalan take for IGCSE. But after taking Exito aku jadi lebih tau tentang subject” nya. Moreover guru” nya ngejelasinnya jelas bangett siap menerima all of the questions that I have.

Exito course has greatly helped me with my academics. Through Mr William’s guidance, I am now able to understand mathematics much more clearly.

Exito has helped me a lot in Chemistry and Math. I used to have difficulties in learning Maths. However, thanks to Exito Course and Mr. William, I’m able to understand Math at school & feel more confident when I do math questions. I also would like to thank Mr. Ariefin because Chemistry has been easier than ever. Definitely recommend Exito course to everyone who’s taking IGCSE/ A Level!

Exito Course memiliki guru-guru berpengalaman dan berkualitas. Selain itu, pengajaran nya juga mengutamakan logika berpikir dan pengertian materi. Saya sendiri adalah private candidate yang mengambil ujian A level lewat Exito sebagai agen. Setau saya, Exito merupakan agen tersertifikasi. Maka, saya pun percaya kepada Exito course.

Awalnya saya paling tidak suka jika les bahasa inggris karena bagi saya membosankan dan membingungkan. Tetapi sejak saya les dgn native teacher di Exito Course, saya merasa enjoy setiap kursus dan memaksa saya untuk berani berbicara bahasa inggris sehingga progres saya lebih cepat

Persiapan untuk A levels di Exito sangat efektif dan baik . Guru yang mengajar betul-betul menguasai materi yang diajarkan dan mengajari konsep dasar secara mendalam. Dengan begitu, kami memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi dan tidak sekadar menghafal pelajaran, sehingga apa yang dipelajari benar-benar berguna untuk kedepannya.

Setelah les privat dengan Exito Course, anak saya memiliki perkembangan belajar yg sangat bagus. Setelah 3 bulan les privat disini, anak saya sudah bisa membaca dan berhitung. Gurunya profesional dan bisa mengajari anak saya dengan fun jadi anak saya tidak bosan belajarnya. Anak saya juga jadi lebih mudah memahami pembelajaran yg diberikan. Terima kasih Exito Course, sukses selalu!

Pengajar di Exito sangat passionate, mereka menjelaskan pelajaran dengan sangat baik dan mudah dimengerti. Tidak hanya sebatas konsep, mereka mendorong kita untuk practice mengerjakan soal yang akan ngebantu kita saat ujian nanti. Selain itu, pengajar Exito sangat sabar dalam menjelaskan kembali materi yang masih belum kita pahami. Tidak jarang juga mereka memberikan tips” jitu melakukan revision agar tidak kewalahan di minggu” terakhir sebelum ujian. thank you Exito!

Exito private course sangat membantu saya dalam nilai di sekolah. Terkadang di sekolah, saya tidak mengerti penjelasan dari beberapa guru. Exito Course mengajarkan soal-soal, rumus-rumus yang belum saya mengerti. Setelah mengikuti les ini, nilai saya jadi meningkat dan sangat memuaskan. Terima kasih dan sukses selalu exito course!
As a tutor, Mr William made his explanations straight forward and simple for my son to understand
This lesson has given me confidence and the ability to say I can actually understand Math A Levels. School classes moved too fast for me but taking this course helped me catch up in time for the final exams. Not only that, but it has also motivated me to study harder on my own and develop a better work ethic. Thank you exito course!
After joining, I was able to obtain good scores for my AS Level Math and Physics.
Guru nya enak ngajarnya, mudah dipahami, dan dimengerti, sangan membantu dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah yang susah dipahami
Guru-gurunya oke banget
Dengan mengikuti Les Private Mandarin dari Exito Course, nilai Mandarin Rafael selalu 98-100. Hampir sempurna. Saya hanya mengandalkan les private ini karena saya tidak bisa Mandarin sama sekali. Dengan guru yang profesional dan sabar dalam mengajar. Bapak William pun dari pertama saya kontak selalu memberikan service yang baik dan professional. Saya sebagai orangtua sangat senang dengan hasil belajar Mandarin Rafael. Saya sangat merekomendasikan les private Exito Course untuk membantu anak-anak belajar dengan metode yang menyenangkan sehingga anak anak maksimal dalam belajar dan mendapatkan nilai yang baik di sekolah. Sukses terus untuk Exito Course.

Through Exito, I was able to detect and fix my bad habits, as well as multiple misconceptions throughout the courses, further reinforcing my knowledge and understanding before the examinations. I would also like to comment how professional the teachers are, maximizing the 1.5 hours per meeting for every student, as we were able to fit in various exercises and topics of discussion through the meeting, depending on a student’s need.

Before I joined Exito Course, physics A level was really hard for me. Back then, my grade was less than 75. After I joined Exito Course home tutoring, I was able to improve my physics score. This lesson has helped me to understand the subject perfectly and do my assignments faster than before.

Through Exito, i am greatly helped with my subject preparations for my transfer to the UK. This is because Exito acquainted me with teachers whose expertise are exceptional in their fields. I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to study with Exito.

Sebelum aku masuk Exito bener bener blank banget ttg subject” yang aku bakalan take for IGCSE. But after taking Exito aku jadi lebih tau tentang subject” nya. Moreover guru” nya ngejelasinnya jelas bangett siap menerima all of the questions that I have.

Exito Course memiliki guru-guru berpengalaman dan berkualitas. Selain itu, pengajaran nya juga mengutamakan logika berpikir dan pengertian materi. Saya sendiri adalah private candidate yang mengambil ujian A level lewat Exito sebagai agen. Setau saya, Exito merupakan agen tersertifikasi. Maka, saya pun percaya kepada Exito course.

Setelah les privat dengan Exito Course, anak saya memiliki perkembangan belajar yg sangat bagus. Setelah 3 bulan les privat disini, anak saya sudah bisa membaca dan berhitung. Gurunya profesional dan bisa mengajari anak saya dengan fun jadi anak saya tidak bosan belajarnya. Anak saya juga jadi lebih mudah memahami pembelajaran yg diberikan. Terima kasih Exito Course, sukses selalu!
As a tutor, Mr William made his explanations straight forward and simple for my son to understand
Guru nya enak ngajarnya, mudah dipahami, dan dimengerti, sangan membantu dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah yang susah dipahami

Mr. Paulus has been a really great help for my Physics A-Levels. He clears up any misconceptions I have and never fail to go in-depth when explaining a topic. Every class I had with him is useful and most definitely worth it. Thank you Mr. Paulus and Exito Course!

Comprehensive is an understatement when i have to study a tough curriculum in the midst of this pandemic, catching up with my lessons whilst adjusting to the new study system. I’m glad that I found Exito Course to not only catch up on my lessons and improve my grades but prepare for university as well. Their teaching methods are clear and they make things easier to understand which are reasons as to why I am fond to this organization 👍

Ms Ratna & Mr Paulus helped me a lot in understanding mathematics and physics IGCSE material. Each class I had with them was really great and I always discovered new things.

Exito course has greatly helped me with my academics. Through Mr William’s guidance, I am now able to understand mathematics much more clearly.

Awalnya saya paling tidak suka jika les bahasa inggris karena bagi saya membosankan dan membingungkan. Tetapi sejak saya les dgn native teacher di Exito Course, saya merasa enjoy setiap kursus dan memaksa saya untuk berani berbicara bahasa inggris sehingga progres saya lebih cepat

Pengajar di Exito sangat passionate, mereka menjelaskan pelajaran dengan sangat baik dan mudah dimengerti. Tidak hanya sebatas konsep, mereka mendorong kita untuk practice mengerjakan soal yang akan ngebantu kita saat ujian nanti. Selain itu, pengajar Exito sangat sabar dalam menjelaskan kembali materi yang masih belum kita pahami. Tidak jarang juga mereka memberikan tips” jitu melakukan revision agar tidak kewalahan di minggu” terakhir sebelum ujian. thank you Exito!
This lesson has given me confidence and the ability to say I can actually understand Math A Levels. School classes moved too fast for me but taking this course helped me catch up in time for the final exams. Not only that, but it has also motivated me to study harder on my own and develop a better work ethic. Thank you exito course!
Guru-gurunya oke banget

During the pandemic, Exito Course really helped to develop and improve my grades and understanding in Maths and Bahasa Indo. I used to be lazy when revising for my subjects, but their online lessons helped me become more organized and structured too. The lessons are very effective and efficient, and I would recommend their courses to anyone.

Exito Course helped me recognise various faults in my working that caused me to be less efficient in solving problems. As a result, this provided me with a better grasp of concepts and new perspectives on how to approach different questions, which are much needed to succeed in my examinations and future in university. During meetings, difficult concepts were explained clearly with patience, which allowed me to steadily maximise my answers with minimum time. Thank you Mr. William and Mr. Paulus!

Before knowing Exito, studying certain subjects such as physics was hard. Through the course with Mr. Paulus, I managed to learn and understand 6 months’ worth of physics materials thoroughly. The way of his teaching was very creative, and interactive, and made me a proactive person.

Exito has helped me a lot in Chemistry and Math. I used to have difficulties in learning Maths. However, thanks to Exito Course and Mr. William, I’m able to understand Math at school & feel more confident when I do math questions. I also would like to thank Mr. Ariefin because Chemistry has been easier than ever. Definitely recommend Exito course to everyone who’s taking IGCSE/ A Level!

Persiapan untuk A levels di Exito sangat efektif dan baik . Guru yang mengajar betul-betul menguasai materi yang diajarkan dan mengajari konsep dasar secara mendalam. Dengan begitu, kami memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi dan tidak sekadar menghafal pelajaran, sehingga apa yang dipelajari benar-benar berguna untuk kedepannya.

Exito private course sangat membantu saya dalam nilai di sekolah. Terkadang di sekolah, saya tidak mengerti penjelasan dari beberapa guru. Exito Course mengajarkan soal-soal, rumus-rumus yang belum saya mengerti. Setelah mengikuti les ini, nilai saya jadi meningkat dan sangat memuaskan. Terima kasih dan sukses selalu exito course!
After joining, I was able to obtain good scores for my AS Level Math and Physics.
Dengan mengikuti Les Private Mandarin dari Exito Course, nilai Mandarin Rafael selalu 98-100. Hampir sempurna. Saya hanya mengandalkan les private ini karena saya tidak bisa Mandarin sama sekali. Dengan guru yang profesional dan sabar dalam mengajar. Bapak William pun dari pertama saya kontak selalu memberikan service yang baik dan professional. Saya sebagai orangtua sangat senang dengan hasil belajar Mandarin Rafael. Saya sangat merekomendasikan les private Exito Course untuk membantu anak-anak belajar dengan metode yang menyenangkan sehingga anak anak maksimal dalam belajar dan mendapatkan nilai yang baik di sekolah. Sukses terus untuk Exito Course.
Through Exito, I was able to detect and fix my bad habits, as well as multiple misconceptions throughout the courses, further reinforcing my knowledge and understanding before the examinations. I would also like to comment how professional the teachers are, maximizing the 1.5 hours per meeting for every student, as we were able to fit in various exercises and topics of discussion through the meeting, depending on a student’s need.